Thursday dawned bright and beautiful with barely any wind. We had decided on Wednesday evening to spend the day recovering from the wind, hills and turns from the trip that day. So, after getting some breakfast and taking down the laptop to connect with others, Laurie quickly became frustrated with the connection. We were connected but no internet. After talking some we decided to pack it up and move on. Got everything ready to move in only 1 and a half hours as checkout was at 11. Someone decided she had enough of my driving the previous day and volunteered to take the wheel and give me a break.
We no sooner arrived in Missouri (not even a half hour down the road) than someone (doesn't it always happen this way) cried out she had to use the bathroom. The nearest exit was more than 10 miles down the road. Well, hey there's a closed weigh station. I pulled in and let those who needed to, use the camper. Why else would you pull a camper down the road but for those emergency stops. We no sooner left the weigh station behind when I heard a ping and saw something go flying from between the van and the camper. Next thing I saw was the battery light come on and grabbed my glasses to see what the light was all about. Next thing was the hot meter was starting into the red ( these things always happen faster than you can read about them). I pulled over and stopped. Some steam was coming out from the hood. I got out and opened things up to see if I could determine what was wrong. (did I mention I am not a mechanic?) All I could figure out was the belt was loose.
The time was about 11:30. Laurie started to text some people and we tried to decide if this was a worthy 911 call. We sat for awhile and talked to some people on the phone. Thankful for cell phones. Finally learned we could make a *55 call to the State Police (after only an hour and a half). It was interesting that we stopped right across from a billboard sign that said "Jesus, I trust in you". A state police officer arrived about a half hour later. He apparently didn't know anything about our call. So, he asked if we had been sitting there very long and what the problem was. He assessed the situation and we learned that we had lost our tensioner pulley. He was not familiar with the area and called headquarters to get a hold of an officer who had grown up in the area we were broke down in, only to find out that officer was now about 2 minutes away. He was the one who was assigned to come help us.
As I sat with the Sargent I learned he normally didn't come up this way but was here to escape the rain. He was on his first day back from a vacation in the Bahamas'. He was in drug enforcement. I was able to share with him about home schooling and how we were on a spiritual journey, that he was an answer to prayer. While I was talking with him another officer arrived and went up to talk with Laurie. The first question he asked her was "whose fault this was?" Laurie naturally replied that it was mine. After assessing our needs and how to get everybody to the next exit (3 miles away) it was determined the Corporal would take Abigail and three other girls to the truck stop and then come back and pick up Laurie and two more. Laurie was very surprised, when she asked him about taking the car seats, that he wasn't going to worry about it. So, Abigail sat in front with Carrie on her lap and the other two girls were doubled up in a seat belt in the back ( what are seat belt laws for anyway?). On the second trip Laurie sat in front and the other two girls shared a seat belt in back too. Joanna and I rode to the repair shop with the tow truck. The Sargent insisted on staying with the camper until the tow truck driver came back with his pickup to get it. He didn't want anyone taking the girl's bicycles from off the back of the camper. I was told he really took off fast after the camper was picked up. I know his partner was involved with a stopped car from earlier.
At the mechanics s shop the van was put in right away. He also assessed the problem as a disintegrated tensioner wheel. It looked like the belt was fine. He called the parts place and they happened to have the part. It was sent for and was able to be replaced and fixed within an hour to an hour and a half. Laurie had the girls get lunch at the truck stop while they waited. By the time the camper came up the van was fixed and I was off to get the girls. We were also able to witness and talk to the tow truck driver and mechanic about the answer to prayer they were. It was just wonderful the way everything came together to get us back on the road without a long wait. So, after I picked everyone up and we got started again, we determined to continue rather than call it a day even though there was a camp ground just down the road from us.
Starting again it was about 5:30. Just down the road the bluffs here were beautiful.
We came across a National Wildlife Refuge. Of course we would have to stop as we are not just out to minister but to teach our children concerning life and the world Elohim has given us. There were all kinds of birds, mostly shore birds we were told. It seems the Snow Geese had left for colder climates already. (I don't know why they would want that, we left for warmer climates).
There was a ten mile road that went all around the preserve. The Stowaway decided it was safe to ride the dash around the place. Totally ignored the birds as it was bath time.
And so ends our journey for that day. Stay tuned as there is more adventure to continue into Friday.
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