Why are we doing this? Why travel, and live in a camper with 9 people and 4 pets? The reasons are many. We grew tired of the "American Dream" of owning a home. The upkeep, the costs that keep rising, all the time that is taken away from family.
After my older brother passed away last year and we almost lost my wife's mother during the summer we evaluated the importance of family and living 14 hours away. Family came out on top.
I was tired of working in the extreme cold of Minnesota winters.
I wanted more for my children in the area of worshipping Elohim and in the resting upon His care for His children. We were feeling a call to be an encouragement to His people scattered around the states.
My prayer for our travels is Elohim will lead us and guide us to those who He knows need encouragement and that our family would be a blessing to those we meet. My prayer for my family is that we will grow and mature in our faith and resting upon the promises that Elohim provides and answers prayer. That what we are doing now will make a difference down through the generations that will come in their walk with Abba El. That this family will be a family of faith and vision in their daily spiritual lives and make a difference in this sin sick world.
Now, last Friday we arrived at the first camping place we came across and pulled in. We decided we would spend three nights and then decide if we wanted to relocate closer to John and Sarah. The state park, Roaring River, is about 3 miles away and has a very steep grade down to the river and camping. As I looked at it I couldn't believe how the people were lined up along the river fishing. I have never seen anything like that in my life. As we rested on the Sabbath the owners left and when they came back we found out the man had been to the doctor for some shots and was not doing well. He was close to having pneumonia. On Sunday we noticed his wife was out on crutches. Monday morning came and we had decided this place was a great spot to camp as it was not busy and the girls had quite a bit of space for play and getting rid of energy. We were talking with the owners and told them we would like to stay for about a month. We also asked if there was anything we could do to help them while we were here as we noticed they were both having some health problems. She told us they would not be able to pay us and we said that was fine as we just wanted to be a blessing to them. She then said they would allow us to camp for the month free as we would be working to help them. Elohim's provision again being shown to us and also His allowing us to be a blessing to those around us. There are also a couple of elderly gentlemen here. They arrived the same day we did and are here for about ten days. They are a couple of friends that get together once a year for a few days. They have enjoyed having the girls around and invited us to a campfire the other night. They gave the girls some marshmellows to roast. The fellowship was nice. They tried to coax the girls into singing for them but were not able to. I told them if they listen while the girls are doing dishes that many times they would be able to hear them singing with a cd.
We have also been able to have a couple girls at a time stay with Sarah and John working and helping take some of the load off. Will post on that next time.
Yahweh our Elohim is showing Himself faithful to His children.
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