Over the course of the last few months we were in Missouri helping our oldest daughter and her husband with our first grandchild. In Sept. Mike headed to Minnesota to claim a few things we had left there and to touch base with another of our daughters who is still there. From there Mike traveled to Michigan to help work on a camper to restore it to a useable condition. Mike spent a couple of nights with his parents and then down to visit with Laurie's for their 50th anniversary. Mike gave them the picture he painted titled "A Glad Song"
Mike had also done their portraits from their wedding photo (black and white) redone in color and then a picture of them now. From their Mike headed back home to Laurie and the girls. We have now left Missouri. Mike is currently looking for work to get us through the winter that is approaching. We look forward to what Yahweh our Elohim has in store for us as we are now celebrating the feast of Tabernacles this next week. If you are unfamiliar with the blood moons I would encourage you to find out about them. Two are now finished and there will be two more in the next year. John Hagee has a book about them. I have also read a book by Jonathan Cahn concerning the Mystery of the Shemitah.
For those who are wanting to know more about churchianity and where all the customs have come from and how to get back to what followers of the Way used to do in the first century I would highly recommend reading the book Pagan Christianity?: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices. by Frank Viola and George Barna.
I will post more as I am able. Right now it is hard to get internet.
Prayer requests
Work for Mike and also reasonably priced internet service.