I think this lady nails the life of faith on the head. Here is a link to what she has to say.
What keeps us from a life of faith? You know one like George Mueller, who prayed and asked for Elohim's supply for His orphans.
What keeps us from stepping out of Egypt for the promised land? Of making that first step through the Red Sea or into the Jordan River raging at flood stage? Or what keeps us in the boat while Peter is out walking on water with Messiah?
How should a life of faith even look?
We get so caught up in living our lives the way the world around us does. I guess we just don't really want to be "different" than any one else. There's safety in numbers.
“If you always do things
the way you’ve always done them,
you’ll always be
where you are now.”
Johnson, Bill (2010-12-01). Center of the Universe: A Look at Life From the Lighter Side (p. 10). Destiny Image. Kindle Edition.
1. Science would have us listen to the voice of reason. Never mind that Scripture tells us this world's wisdom is foolishness to Elohim.2. Society would have us live life by climbing the proverbial ladder of success. Any type of living by faith is looked upon with scorn and ridicule. You need to have money, cars, a house and two and a half kids to look successful. Never mind that Scripture tells us to take up our cross and follow Messiah. The obtaining of "stuff" and building bigger barns just doesn't work in the life of faith. A life of faith tells us we don't need to purchase the lastest model horse and chariot.
To be envied with desire is the man who does not go after the plans or counsels of the wicked nor remains in attendance with those who sin habitually, nor remains assembled with those who mock Elohim. But he takes joy in the Torah of Yahweh and nourishes his mind upon it day and night Ps. 1:1,2. M Race translation
Psa 127:1 If יהוה does not build the house, Its builders have laboured in vain.
Psa 127:3 Look, children are an inheritance from יהוה, The fruit of the womb is the reward.
Psa 127:4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, So are the children of one’s youth.
So how about that life of faith?
Moses? mile after mile, year after year. Was he a success? He missed out on the promised land.
Noah? Build me an ark! It's going to rain and flood the earth
Abba El? What's Rain?
Abram? Leave your family and this city and go where I will show you!
Abba El? Can you give me a map with directions?
Sarah? You are going to have a son!
Abba El? Don't you realize how old I am and beyond those years?
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