hearts joys

hearts joys

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Well, things are slowly getting done.  For two weeks now I have been working hard getting things ready for our next step in faith.  I have just a couple more renovations to make on our next home, the camper.  I am making a space to put Laurie's cedar chest in around our table and then I have a couple book cases to put in our living room.  I also have some joist boxes I made to put between the joists of the older girls upper bunk.  They will swing down from the joists into the little girls bed then swing back up out of the way when not needed.  The painting has been started as well.  The girls bed rooms have been finished.  I hope to be in the camper next week (probably toward the end) and then have our moving sale the following week and hopefully be on the road sometime the end of August or first part of Sept.  Laurie is busy trying to get our entire home school library sold off.  Amazing how everything thing seems to take more time than we would like.  I have been taking pictures of us making our camper into our home and when it is completed I will post those pictures here as well.  Amidst all of my busy days working around here I try to relax for a short time before bed.  I have been working on a wedding portrait for my daughter and new son-in-law.  This is how it is coming along.  First the original and then the beginning of the painting.  I think it looks better in person than from the photo's that I have taken.  I moved Sarah up closer to her husband and took out Laurie and myself from the photo.

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