hearts joys

hearts joys

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Grace, What Is It?

Thank you to John Lawson for this demonstration on Grace.  If you would like to view more of His illustrations please visit his youtube site.

On the lighter side.  We have been visited by many interesting illustrations of the creative Elohim we serve.
 A beautiful butterfly and one of the owners dogs
Flowers shared by friends and neighbors

 The girls doing laundry the hard way.  Actually they are washing their doll clothes and hanging them out.  This while dad was working on finishing the deck railings.

 Moth or butterfly?
 More beautiful flowers shared by a neighbor
 In this photo it looks like there is a fire.  Actually this is a picture of sunset through the trees from our house.
 This is one of the critters we are occasionally blessed with seeing.  It was busy scolding something.
 The owner of the house shared some of his puppies with the girls.
 The girls love helping the neighbors with planting and cleaning up their yards.
 This was on the window screen one evening.
 Flowers at the neighbors.  They are just gorgous.  I won't tell you what Esther calls these.

 Then, Last week one of the girls looked out the window and saw this beautiful animal walking down the drive.  It stopped long enough to have a stare down with Lilly our dog, and for me to get the camera.  It then proceeded across the front yard and then down between our yard and the neighbors.

 We had a tour of the neighbors garden.  It was more like a walk in a lovely park.

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