I last left you all as we headed into Thursday evening and trying to get a good nights sleep. The journey continued the next day and it was supposed to be a scorcher as well. We woke up late, some closer to 9 am, but it felt good in the cool of the sheets. I took the girls, as they became ready, down to the breakfast nook to get something to eat and to start their day. After seeing that all was progressing I headed out the door to get the last old tire replaced before we hit the road again. While waiting for the tire to be mounted I was getting the supplies that would help us make it through the heat of the day as we headed North.
I made sure we had an extra cooler and ice along with plenty of orange juice. The orange juice seemed to be a big pick me up during the heat of yesterday. We also had about 4 gallons of water and some light snack stuff for the trip. Laurie suggested I get about 4 squirt bottles for the girls to mist themselves with. So we did that and we all had some fun with them on the trip. Carrie sat behind me and made sure I behaved. When I didn't she made sure to squirt me well.
While I was away Laurie was making sure the girls all had showers and started to clean up and pack up so we could load and be on our way as soon as possible. After arriving back at the hotel I started to gather items that would hold ice and melt so we could have cold water as we needed it. I loaded the pets and clothing items from the day before and we finally hit the road around 1 pm. The hotel was very gracious in us leaving a little bit late. We decided we would travel about 1 to 2 hours and then stop to cool off and let the animals also have a break. So, once again we entreated our Heavenly Father for a safe trip and loaded up, did our head count and got going.
We stopped for about a half hour at a rest stop and sat and relaxed in some shade. We then headed for a gas station for some more ice and a longer stop. I treated everyone to some ice cream cones and the attendant made a comment on how well behaved the girls all were while they patiently waited for their ice cream. After continuing on down 80 we noticed there were traffic signs about an accident several miles ahead. When we got closer the traffic was starting to back up. It is a good thing we were heading north at that junction and did not arrive later than we did otherwise we would have had to wait to be able to take our turn north. I also noticed as we headed north that the south bound traffic trying to get on 80 was also backing up.
As the sun began to set we once again headed for a pit stop. We were heading to the gas station and noticed a sign of someone running for
sheriff. The signs says "crooks" for sheriff. It was also in this community at our pit stop the attendant had a difficult acknowledging the fact that we have a Father who looks after us. As I talked with her concerning our trip and the Father's protecting hand all she would say is that there was certainly a higher power of some sort looking out for us. As we pulled out of the station and headed back down the road we said a prayer for her that Abba would open her eyes to the truth. We had a pleasant trip the rest of the way as the sun went down and the air around us began to cool. We stopped at the last rest area in Iowa for another break and it was a mess. I mentioned it to the attendant and they were already beginning to clean. The most amazing thing about this stop was the flowers. I walked up a sidewalk to throw some garbage out and I was met with the overwhelming fragrance of these beautiful flowers in full bloom.
For the most part the remaining part of the trip was uneventful apart from the cheers as we entered the state of Minnesota. We arrived without further incident at Olivia around 2:30 in the morning a full 48 hours after leaving Illinois. We got the children all bedded down for the night and began our Sabbath finally getting to bed around 4 am.
There have been more adventures since arriving and I look forward to filling you in on the details in the coming days. Until then may the Father bless your lives as you seek to live for Him. Shalom
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