hearts joys

hearts joys

Saturday, June 16, 2018

A Year? What can happen in a year?

     It has been well over a year since I have posted in this format.  Can anything substantial happen in a year's time?  Well, yes, plenty.  As a result our journey for truth resulted in much more in depth study and prayer and much more change in our lives.  So, that being said I would like to say most if not all of my previous posts on the Scripture are in error. With this post and the ones following it I would like to correct those errors and hopefully you will bear with me and take time to prayerfully and studiously work through the posts that will follow as I share our journey.  I will not be taking earlier posts down for I would like a record of where we were and where we are heading. 

In August last year we had an opportunity open to us to return to Michigan.  So we packed up and left in September.  We headed north through the upper peninsula and across the bridge.  For some of our children this was the very first time they had been in Michigan.

 In the posts following I will tell some of things that we did as family and tell of our spiritual journey.
Over all it has been an amazing trip.  I trust that you will return and follow even if you are at odds with us.  May the Father strengthen you as you seek Him and His truth.

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