hearts joys

hearts joys

Saturday, June 6, 2015

What is New

What's new in the Race household.
 My beautiful and gifted wife posted this and she did such a great job I had to share it too. She did forget to mention the owl that occasionally perches on the telephone pole just across the road.  The Blue Herons at the ponds and the hawks soaring in the air.  There are also the Turkey vultures, cows and llamas.  We live on a ranch with over 3,000 acres and 27 ponds where I manage 12 turkey barns.

Our 6 year old discovered what she thought was a fossil but which actually turned out to be a native American spearpoint.  Also some crayfish skeletons.  We hope you enjoy the pictures and what we have been up to.

 Then there are the turtles we find crossing the roads. We bring them home so the girls can learn about them and then take them back and drop them off where we found them.

Here is what Laurie has to say:

What's new in the Race household since we moved to MO? An Abyssinian kitten - Pharaoh, a rescue puppy - Trixie (who is a he and not a she), a rescue dog - Daisy Mae (who was 3 wks pregnant when we got her), and Daisy's 5 day old puppy. Do you know I got more sleep when I was pregnant than I did with a pregnant dog in the house? I also got more sleep with a newborn than I do with a puppy in the house.

Mike's job is going well; hopefully the ranch will hire someone to work with him as the person who was going to changed his mind. There is way too much work for one person. He put in over 66 hrs a couple weeks ago, and hoped to have a shorter week after, but when things break down...the animals still have to be fed.
The girls are excited as almost daily we have pkgs of homeschool curriculum and books coming to the house. After testing a few weeks ago, I was thrilled to see the steady learning that has taken place in the last year with more relaxed schooling. Several tested ahead in math, and all tested ahead in reading.
Oh yes, I must not forget the skunk family! In the barn nearest the house there is a mama skunk and her 4 babies. They can't get in the barn, but just between the outside and inside walls. Every night as the sun is going down, mama skunk heads down the drive and the road. During the day we have seen mama and babies walking along the outside of the barn. We tried to take pictures, but didn't want to get too close.

Today, Esther, Jennella, and Kaytelyn saw their first live police chase and arrest in a small town not far from here. They heard the police officer shout, "Stop her, stop her!". I think I prefer farm-life excitement to police chases.

 And so our lives continue at a fast pace amidst the beauty which Yahweh our Elohim has created.

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