hearts joys

hearts joys

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Search

Well, for those of you out  there who wonder about homeschoolers, I would like to share a paper my 16 year old daughter has written.  We also had our 10 year old daughter illustrate it.
This was the assignment.  Look at the picture and then write about what you see.

This is a Myk's Heart's Creation
If you want some sound effects click on the you tube video

The Search
by Joanna Race, age 16

Illustrated by Esther, age 10

The Search

Ida Jane stopped sweeping and listened. Was that rain she heard? Turning she looked out the window and watched the rain slide down the glass

“It’s not coming down very hard,” she thought. “maybe mother will let me go outside for a little bit.”

Quickly she finished her sweeping and went to see if mother was still in the sewing room.

She had hardly entered the sewing room when she began, “Mother, may I please go outside?”

Mother stopped sewing and thought a moment before she answered. “I don’t think you should play in it this time, Ida Jane, but you can go out and look for Rueben and Timothy. I haven’t seen them since after lunch and they should come in.”

Ida Jane hurried to the closet to get her boots and rain coat on. Then she picked up the umbrella that mother said she could use. As she headed toward the door mother told her to hurry before Angela woke up.

Once outside Ida Jane headed for the garage. Lately the boys had been working on something there. She opened the door to the garage. No, they weren’t in there.

“Where should I look next?” she asked herself as she went back outside. “Mother said to hurry, but how can I hurry when I don’t know where to look? Well, I will try to hurry anyway.”

She stood there for a moment as she tried to decide where to look next. She shivered. No wonder mother said she couldn’t play outside.

It didn’t take long to decide to go toward the river and walk along the bank. She was grateful she didn’t have to walk against the wind.

As she went around the bend of the river bank she saw the geese. Most of them were nice, but you had to watch out for the gander. Her eyes scanned up ahead looking for the dangerous gander.

“Good! Absolutely no sign of him. Yahweh please help me find the boys soon and….”

She stopped. She had passed most of the geese, and now she saw the gander running straight toward her, honking with his neck stretched out. Quickly she climbed up a little higher on the bank, but the gander still came toward her.

It was then that a Scripture verse came to mind, “In the day I am afraid, I trust in You. In Elohim, whose Word I praise, in Elohim I have trusted; I do not fear; what could flesh do to me? (Psalm 56:3,4) Yahweh please keep me safe.”

The gander was almost to her when Ida Jane heard a rooster that wasn’t supposed to be out, crow a few feet behind her. She jumped and the gander suddenly decided to chase the rooster away.

Ida Jane breathed a sigh of relief, “That was close. Thank you, Yahweh, for keeping me safe.”

She quickly decided not to walk along the river bank in case the gander came back. She scrambled all the way up the bank and started walking through the meadow.

It’s so cold out here. Rueben and Timothy probably found shelter somewhere. But where? They’re not in the house or in the garage,” she began to cry.

Looking up she saw Mrs. Jones' house. Quickly she wiped her eyes.

“Why didn’t I think of that before?” she asked herself.

Mrs. Jones was a widow that lived across the meadow from them, and the children didn’t have to ask permission to visit her as long as it wasn’t late or close to meal times and as long as their chores were done. That was because their parents trusted Mrs. Jones.

Ida Jane was smiling as she went up the porch steps and knocked on the door. A smiling Mrs. Jones answered the door and invited her in out of the rain and cold.

She was very happy to see that Rueben and Timothy were there. She told them that mother needed them at home.

Just before they left, Mrs. Jones gave them a container of homemade cookies. She asked them to give it to their mother.

They stepped out into the rain, and Ida Jane said, “Let’s go across the meadow.”

She was glad her brothers agreed, because she didn’t want to meet with that gander again. Even if her brothers were with her.

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