hearts joys

hearts joys

Friday, April 11, 2014

Be Careful What You Ask For!!

Or, Yahweh Elohim is faithful in answering prayer. 
Wednesday was a slower day at our moving sale.  We were extremely thankful for the relief from the day before.  That being said, we still did pretty well.  That night at supper I asked our 7 year old to pray, that was my first mistake ( not really).  She asked Abba El to send 110 people to our sale.  We also prayed that the cabinets and sofa's  would sell.  In bringing the stuff back out Thursday morning ( we took them to the garage for the night as it threatened to rain) I no sooner finished putting out the cabinets than a young lady pulled up in a pickup and asked about the cabinets.  I originally purchased these to make a sewing center for Laurie.  We still had all the sale stuff in boxes to put out yet.  She made two trips and took them all. She told us she had been watching us all week and just loved how hard the girls were working.  She gave them $10 for all their hard work.  The girls have decided to save this to bless someone with along our way.  We started to load up the second time when two more cars pulled up.  Wow, it was quite a day!!  One of the cars also made two trips as they purchased 5 of our bookcases.  We had to move books around.  When we started to sell our library we had twenty bookcases full.  We are now down to 5.  Anyone out there need some good books?  Great rates!!  Laurie has a list on the computer we can e-mail you and I will mail them anywhere in the US.
  Pray that our sleeper sofa's will sell and also our ceiling fans.  I think those are the big items that need to go yet.

The girls made a list of people here in town who have been a blessing to us over the last 6 years.  They came up with a list of 16 or 17 families or individuals.  We gave them all an invitation to come and visit with us for the evening meal on the Sabbath.  I took the girls around to deliver them late yesterday and forgot to stop and pick up our laundry at the Laundromat. 

Laurie and Abigail started to move things into the camper also yesterday.  We are really looking forward to the Sabbath as we can all use a day of rest.  Lots to do today on this preparation day.
May Elohim grant us all His Shalom.
Blessings on you all

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